
The Saudi Sudanese Bank raises its capital to ten billion pounds

Posted on January 30th, 2023

The thirty-first general assembly was held in the Union of Banks Hall, with the recommendation of the Board of Directors to raise the nominal capital from two to ten billion pounds, and the bank’s general assembly unanimously approved the Board’s recommendation in the presence of a quorum of 91.9% of the total shareholders.

For his part, Mr. Al-Amin Sheikh Mustafa Al-Amin, Chairman of the Board explained The management is seeking, through a well-defined strategy, to improve the bank’s capital according to specific criteria to enable the bank to respond to risks and preserve capital from erosion, while increasing concentration and attracting capital. And windows while encouraging increased confidence in stakeholders, and Al-Amin confirmed that they are continuing to develop electronic systems to keep pace with the global boom in this field.